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Event Marketing: Connecting to Prospects at Trade Shows


Promoting your products and services should not be limited to traditional and digital marketing. Although they perform well, you should also explore other options like participating in trade shows. Exhibiting your brand in these events give you the opportunity to reach out to your targeted consumers personally.

Building Consumer Connections: Lead More Traffic to Your Trade Show Booth

Trade shows are an excellent way to build connections with consumers. While technology makes starting relationships convenient, it lacks a personal touch that could be the make or break moment between a potential customer and a conversion. Rather than pushing your products to buyers, trade shows allow you to focus on building relationships with them.

Also, you’re likely to generate more leads at trade shows since they are industry specific. You know that the attendees have an interest in what you have to offer. Take advantage of this chance to educate your customers about your products or services. If you use your time wisely, you could inform them why your brand is unique.

Since trade shows gather groups from a specific industry, expect to see other brands offering products or services similar to yours. Different brands will compete against each other to attract most of the attendees and bring them to their respective booths.

Driving Leads to Your Trade Show Booth

Some companies don’t generate leads at a trade show because their booths didn’t generate enough interest from the participants. In this nightmare scenario, they won’t have the chance to introduce their products or services, much less build a relationship. Don’t let your company find itself stuck in the same situation. Make use of the following techniques so your booth stands out:

Use Geo-Targeting

Geo-targeting is a paid advertising tactic that aims to target an audience within a specific area. Your marketing team can use a service or an app to reach smartphone users within the area of your trade show. These users would receive ads that encourage them to visit your booth.

Displaying your paid ad on the right platform contributes to a successful geo-targeting effort. Consider the traffic volume, average conversion rates, and cost per click when choosing a place for your ad to make the most of your budget and conversion.

Keywords also play a crucial role in the success of your paid advertisement. Use location-specific terms to specify your target audience. Users usually narrow down their search by including the city or the location to the search query.

Create an Attention-Grabbing Booth

  • Use eye-catching signage and displays: Attendees should easily recognize your booth by seeing the signs that include your business name and your logo. The color and the design elements must reflect the vibe you want your brand to project, be it traditional, modern, family-friendly, or professional. Effective branding makes customers remember you even after the trade show is over.
  • Utilize your space: Design your booth carefully to effectively use the space you have. If your booth is small, minimize the use of furniture and other bulky elements. Instead, focus on design elements on the wall that create a positive first impression. Be creative in using all of the space in your booth and make sure it is customer-friendly.
  • Bring something new: Regular trade show goers have probably seen hundreds of booths already. Incorporate innovative elements that attendees might have not seen before. Come up with displays or games that can convince visitors to stick around.

Host a Contest

Promote a contest held in your booth before or during the event. Prepare a prize that people will want to win, such as gadgets, concert tickets, or a travel package. Additionally, you should inform attendees that they have to be at your trade show booth to enter the contest.

The contest could be about anything — from puzzle solving to treasure hunting. For example, ask a question and the participants can give their answers via Facebook or Twitter. You may also want them to use an official hashtag to increase your engagement on social media.

Throw a Happy Hour

After visiting different booths and trying out products, many attendees will feel tired. They will appreciate a chance to cool off with a drink or two. Throw a happy hour on the first day and engage consumers in a relaxed conversation. The people who attended your happy hour are likely to remember you the next day and mention you to other attendees.

Create a Trade Show Experience that Delivers Results


Trade shows are a highly-effective form of marketing, especially when executed properly. Certain factors help you create a trade show booth that helps you meet your goal.

Early Preparation Goes a Long Way

A trade show is a vital event for your company. Without comprehensive preparation and planning, however, you’re less likely to benefit from it. Preparing early gives you time to process important component for your trade show and avoid missing out crucial details.

Your team must know the travel dates in advance to book flights before the cost increases. The same logic applies to booking hotel rooms for your stay. Apart from the logistics, you should also inform your target audience of your participation at the trade show. Use emails and your social media pages to tease and announce the important news.

Prepare the Executive and Sales Teams

Everyone involved in the trade show should always be on the same page. The teams that usually attend trade shows include a member of the marketing and sales departments. They all should know the relevant information leading up to the event.

Make sure all meetings and booth hours are in the calendars of everyone involved. They should also have each other’s contact information so they can communicate while on site. At least a week before the event, conduct a meeting with every member to discuss the hotel, venue, dress code, and booth hours, among others.

Keep Your Social Media Accounts Active

Always update your audience on social media about the event by posting photos before, during, and after the trade show. Don’t forget to invite attendees to drop by your booth to participate in different activities, like joining a contest, watching a demo, or picking up a giveaway.

You don’t need a huge budget to generate more traffic at your trade show booth. Having the right elements is enough to perform well at trade shows.

At MTI events, we follow a carefully developed planning process to events that draw in your target audience. We establish event objectives and desired outcomes as well as find a venue that attracts the most participants. Contact us to learn more today!

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