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Easy Appreciation Event Idea: Weekend Getaway

Easy Appreciation Event Idea: Weekend Getaway

Your employees work hard. Your clients have been loyal. Both have helped your business grow in ways you have probably never imagined. Their hard work and loyalty deserve to be rewarded! That doesn’t mean, however, that you have to plan an extravagant event. Sometimes, with a little ingenuity, you can plan an exciting event that won’t cost your company a fortune. For a quick and easy way to shower your clients, employees and sales representatives with gratitude, take them on a weekend getaway.

Weekend Trip to a Football “Away” Game

MTI Events recently planned a customer appreciation event for a client where they took their employees, sales reps and their clients on a quick weekend trip to North Carolina. On this trip they attended an NFL game where they watched their home team, the Kansas City Chiefs, take on the Carolina Panthers. They absolutely LOVED it. We planned two nights, a great dinner, and they got to root for the Chiefs.

Why Plan a Weekend Getaway?

What better way is there to show your appreciation than to take your employees and clients on a quick little getaway? Trips incentivize your employees to work hard and meet your desired sales goals. This easy appreciation event can also promote teamwork when the employees know they must work together to achieve that prize.

For your clients, a weekend getaway shows them in a real way that they are truly appreciated. These clients are then much more likely to generate more business. They are also likely to spread the word about your company, which in turn generates new clients and more business.

Aside from the obvious benefit of creating happy employees and happy clients, planning a weekend getaway has a multitude of other benefits.

Cost Effective

Not only is a weekend getaway an easy appreciation event, but it is also very cost-effective. Many hotels offer group discounts when you book several rooms to accommodate large groups. Some transportation services also have discounts, or there are shuttle services available to get your employees and clients around for a reasonable fee, if not for free. Sporting events and other activities have discounted rates when you purchase a large number of tickets.

Food can be expensive, but many venues offer food vouchers that your employees and clients can use to purchase a meal or snack at the game or park. And you only need to plan one for one big dinner that brings everyone together.

Easy to Plan

Weekend getaways are easy appreciation events to plan. You only need to purchase tickets for the event, book the flight, two nights in a hotel, figure out the transportation to and from the event, and plan one dinner. There are no big itineraries or tiny details to worry about.

Make It an Annual Event

With its ease of planning and cost-effectiveness, a weekend getaway is an easy appreciation event that can become an annual tradition. It gives your employees, sales reps and clients something to look forward to every year. And it never has to be the same event every single time. You can take your employees and clients to a football game one year. The next year, you might choose to go to an amusement park. You could also rent a beach house or head to the mountains for a day of skiing. Or head to the wine country and partake in a wine tasting. The possibilities are endless.

Show your employees and clients that you really appreciate them by taking them away for an exciting weekend. For help planning this easy appreciation event, contact MTI Events today.

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