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Charity Golf Tournament: Girls’ Softball Teams Raise $10K!

Team Kansas Charity Golf Tournament

One of the many rewarding aspects of what we do here at MTI Events is to help organizations make a difference in the lives of others. Whether that’s improving corporate culture or assisting with philanthropic efforts, it gives us great joy to watch an event that we put together become a success!

This was especially true for a recent charity golf tournament that we sponsored and organized for the “Team Kansas” girls’ softball organization on October 3rd at Prairie Highlands Golf Club. It was an amazing event that we are honored we were able to be a part of. Read on for more details!

Charity Golf Tournament Details

This was the first-ever golf tournament for “Team Kansas”, a traveling team of players that represents girls of all ages (12U—18U) with the goal of providing a competitive atmosphere while building skills both on and off the field. “Team Kansas” is comprised of 14 teams total, but three teams came together for this particular tournament. And what a tournament it was!

68 players came out for a day that featured lunch, dinner, the golf tournament itself, a silent auction, and plenty of raffles! When all was said and done, we raised $10,000 and split it between the three teams. The funds will benefit off-setting travel and tournament costs.

We won’t forget the spirit of generosity and camaraderie on display at this golf tournament! Everyone had a delightful time eating, drinking, winning prizes, and of course, playing golf.

Making a Difference for Others

It’s worth noting that “Team Kansas” teams also played in a Cancer Benefit Tournament during the last weekend of October. They held this tournament in honor of a former softball player who has now shifted her focus to fighting her cancer. All the money they raised from this tournament will go to her! This is something that “Team Kansas” does every year to help someone in need. What an organization!

Need Help with Your Charity Events?

Creating a culture of giving within your organization is all a matter of planning and intent. We here at MTI Events are firm believers that instilling corporate stewardship into the fabric of any business will transform the lives of employees and those within the communities they serve. Contact MTI Events to learn more about how we can help you plan your next charity event or corporate giving program.

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