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5 Qualities a Great Corporate Event Planner Has

Corporate Event Planner

Planning a successful corporate event requires a great event planner at the helm. Here are the qualities your corporate event planner should have.

#1. Great People Skills

Event planning is all about dealing with people, under stress no less. A great event planner is one who is level-headed, which helps to keep all working relationships running smoothly, thus leading to a successful event. This event planner also has great communication skills, with the ability to stay on top of everything and keep everyone on the same page at all times.

Listening skills are also an important part of people skills. After all, this is your event. Your event planner should listen and really pay attention to what you are trying to accomplish to help you create a successful event that your attendees are sure to remember.

#2. Excellent Organizational Skills

As you well know, any corporate event has several different components that need to come together in order to make the event a success. You need a venue, catering vendors, tables and chairs, audiovisual equipment, transportation and of course a place for your attendees to stay. This can be a lot to keep track of. A great corporate event planner can keep track of all of these things, and do it with grace.

Tied in with organization is time management. Not only is a great event planner able to manage their own schedule, but he or she can manage the schedules of everyone involved – you, your attendees, vendors, speakers and VIP guests, among many others. The key to excellent on-site event management is the ability to stay organized, no matter how many moving parts there are.

#3. Attention to Detail

A great event planner knows that even the smallest details are crucial to creating a memorable experience.These details could be as minuscule as the font on place cards or the color of the flowers in the table centerpieces. Every decision is made with a purpose, and nothing gets by the event planner’s eagle eye.

#4. Resourcefulness

No matter how much time, effort, and planning goes into an event, sometimes something goes awry. A vendor may need to pull out at the last minute, or an order gets mixed up. A great corporate event planner doesn’t panic. He or she already has a backup plan (or even two or three), ready to go. In doing so, there is no hiccup in the coming together or execution of the event, which can greatly help keep your stress levels to a minimum.

#5. Passion for the Profession

Corporate event planning is a stressful job that requires a lot of time, effort and overtime. A great corporate event planner can go days without thanks and run on little sleep. Planners need to deal with all kinds of people, and some of them may not be the easiest to work with. They come in contact with all kinds of different attitudes on a daily basis. They face multiple challenges when trying to pull together the event of your company’s dreams. Great event planners love what they do. They embrace the challenges and do so with an unsurpassed energy. Working with you to see your vision come true is one of their greatest pleasures, and they can’t wait to do it again.

For 30 years, MTI Events has been planning successful events for companies large and small in every industry. If you’re ready to have a great team of corporate event planners on your side for your next event, contact us today.

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