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How to Have a Successful Product Launch


Think of your product launch in the same meticulous way you would if you were planning a wedding. Neither of these events, a product launch or a wedding, could possibly be successful if they are hastily thrown together. A successful product launch encompasses many moving parts that have to be coordinated like a well-oiled machine. Follow these six helpful tips to ensure your next product launch makes a big splash!

 1. Set a Target Date and Create a Detailed Plan

Think of all the time that went into creating your new product. Don’t short shift it by slapping together a hastily conceived product launch. Set the launch date and work backward creating a detailed plan of attack. Assume that every single step will face some sort of delay or challenge, be sure to account for those speed bumps in your timeline. It helps to not only write out your plan, even on a white board to keep your team on track and not loose your own focus. If you want to hold a big blow out event make sure you know your time frames for booking venues, ordering catering, and hiring talent.

2. Identify How Your Product will Benefit the Consumer

This should be the central focus of the entire launch and marketing plan. To successfully determine what your customer wants and needs, do some beta testing then ask for honest feedback and reviews. The positive feedback will help you plan your messaging and the negative feedback will help you tweak the product before the launch.

3. Create Mystery and Stoke Curiosity About Your Product

Keep the product details under wraps, but throw out some well-timed teasers over the 2 or 3 months prior to the launch. These can be esoteric mini-messages on Instagram or Twitter, a “Coming Soon” teaser on your Facebook page, or a landing page on your site with an abstract reference to the product with an opt-in form provided for keeping interested people informed. Create a catchy hashtag that can be used throughout the pre-launch marketing phase. Head to a few trade shows with a prototype to create some buzz within the industry. The point is to get people talking.

4. Involve Industry Influencers, Bloggers, and Mentors

Reach out to people who can help drive interest in the product and momentum toward the launch. Have them beta test the product and review it, then post their reviews on your landing page to add street cred. Bloggers can help spread the word and stoke interest in your fabulous product, so seek out a few prominent bloggers or LinkedIn influencers to offer the opportunity to test the product prior to the launch. They usually have a business email you can contact them at in their ‘about me’ sections or bios.

5. Plan a Dynamic, Coordinated Social Media Strategy

Select two or three social media channels where your target customer will likely be and plan a series of intriguing posts using bold images and curiosity provoking videos that will grab their attention and create buzz. A well-produced podcast planted on your landing page is another avenue that can tantalize the audience and be shared across social media. Keep momentum building by strategically timing social media messaging.

6. Prepare Your Team for Success

If your pre-launch bluster is going to result in the successful implementation of adding the new product to your line-up your team must be adequately prepped. Ensure that all systems are go before the launch, including any special training the team needs, customer support protocols, and any resources to successfully implement the ordering and shipping processes. A prepared team is intrinsic to the ultimate success of your amazing new product or service.

7. Have a Game Plan Post Product Launch

We know that the stress of successfully getting your brain child out into the world was difficult, but the work has just begun. You must continue to market your product, engage with consumers, and go to those trade shows and encourage your employees to network.

Just like you don’t want to see your wedding featured on an episode of Funniest Wedding Videos, you sure wouldn’t want your rollout to be lampooned within the industry. If the whole product launch process seems a tad overwhelming, why not enlist the services of a professional?

At MTI Events, we are a local Kansas City business that makes a big impact when it comes to business. We specialize in product launches, meeting planning, special events, trade shows, merchandise incentive programs, team building, travel incentive programs, and more.

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