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A Look Back: 2016 Recap

Top Incentive Destinations of 2017

2016 was an amazing year for MTI Events! We planned dozens of events, visiting dozens of cities on three continents in the process. And when we weren’t busy doing that, we were also doing our part to try and make the world a better place. Here’s a look back at the past year with our favorite milestones from 2016.

We Turned 30

Can you believe we’ve been in business since 1986? We can’t either! Back in August we hit the major milestone of celebrating 30 years of business! We marked the occasion by planning our own party and hitting up Kansas City in style. Read more about our 30th birthday here!

Brought Companies to KC for the First Time Ever

In 2016 we had the pleasure of bringing two different companies to Kansas City for their first time ever! It was such a thrill being able to plan KC-oriented events for people who had never been to the city before. Read more about why Kansas City is the perfect place to host a convention.

Traveled All Over the World

As we mentioned above, we were BUSY this year with our jet-setting ways. We took groups both large and small to countries like Argentina, Jamaica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Poland and so many more! We dazzled companies and their employees with lavish events in exciting locations as well as gave them the chance to have the experience of a lifetime in dozens of different cities. Adventure travel is one of the most exciting things we get to do here at MTI Events, and we had a blast escorting your teams across the world.

Helped You Plan for Success

It’s a great feeling knowing that we help companies like yours plan for a successful future. In doing so, we helped plan national conventions, global sales meetings, and training expos where employees and suppliers met face-to-face for the first time, and learned about new product lines and customer interfacing tools. It was an honor to bring all these various working parts of your companies together in one place where they could learn, share, and grow together.

Made a Difference

Upholding a culture of giving in the workplace is a powerful motivator. So we practice what we preach by giving back as much as we can! This year, we were so fortunate to be able to make a positive difference in the lives of others with various charitable activities like:

We look forward to doing even more for the community and beyond in 2017!

Thanks for a Great Year!

2016 was a great year because of you! We want to thank our clients for their continued commitment to incentives and the value those incentives bring to their own companies. We are proud to partner with you and look forward to even more exciting incentives in 2017!

5 Amazing Places You Must Visit in Krakow, Poland
Top Incentive Destinations of 2017
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